Meet Patricia

I am a women’s Life and Sensuality Coach. I work with smart, outside the box thinkers who are in the process of transition in their lives. I’ve found that our challenges also present the biggest opportunities for growth and for discovering our true gifts. But, it can be pretty rough along the way. It helps immensely to have the support of a coach with the skills and experience to help you move through those challenges, and write the next chapter of your life.

My clients are ready to take their lives to the next level, but they understand that there is another way beyond the old “just work harder” model. I show clients how to be seduced by their dreams and desires, and guide them into a space where they find the clarity, resourcefulness, and inspiration to go for those dreams.

In our work together, we will dive deep to uncover what is most important to you and what is getting in the way of you having it.  We will create a plan to get you there. We will also create practices and habits to support your progress. You will reclaim parts of yourself that have lain dormant, re-spark your creativity and passion, rebuild your foundation with excellent self-care. How you relate to your body and your sensuality will never be the same again, and that will affect what happens in your career, your relationships, and your self-expression. Because we are holistic beings, all these areas of our lives are connected and affect each other.

I draw on many modalities and create a program tailored to your particular needs. I am a Certified Professional Life Coach in Transformational Coaching, and Core Dynamics Coaching through the Transformational Coaching Program in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. I am also a Certified Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City. I am Certified as an Ohashiatsu Bodywork practitioner through the Ohashi Center in New York City. I am an Orgasmic Meditation Trainer, having studied with One Taste in New York City. I have a bachelor’s in Modern Literature and Creative Writing from SUNY.

As a person who is always on a learning path, I’ve done more trainings than I care to list here. I have a deep well of experience and expertise to assist you in the breakthrough that you’re looking for and achieving your goals and desires.

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