The Women’s Sex & Sensuality Salon!

It’s here! The Women’s Sex & Sensuality Salon.

Women's Sex & SensualitySalon (2)


An evening for deep sharing, honoring your Erotic Truth, embracing your journey as a sensual woman, and welcoming your deepest desires.

Our sensuality and erotic energy are our core power. When we connect to this essential part of us, we connect to joy, creativity, and a state of natural flow. Our feminine souls long to live in this space!

If you are a woman who is wanting to feel more connected to your body and your sensuality but you can’t seem to prioritize this area of your life, this evening is for you. If you are exhausted from pushing to try to hold it all together and want to find a new and more pleasurable approach, join us.

It’s going to be a beautiful evening.

Register here:

This event is for women who want to explore this conversation in a safe and supportive space. We will share and discuss, and we will also do fun experiential exercises to help you connect to your body and your sensuality. You’ll get clearer on where you are on the map of your own erotic journey and on how to embrace your desires. You will walk away with tools to embrace this super-power of your feminine genius that allows you to live a life that is juicy, joyful, and creative.

I will also be sharing about my Erotic journey, from a fundamentalist upbringing with a lot of shame around sexuality, to a marriage that ended up sex-less, to my adventure in reclaiming my sexuality, sensuality, and falling in love with being a woman. The journey continues!

*There will be no nudity at this event.

*Please wear comfortable clothing that allows for movement.

*Bring an item that is meaningful to you for our altar space. (Can be a picture, a stone, piece of writing, etc.)

NYC, Thursday, July 26th. 7:00-9:30 p.m.

Register here:

About your host:

Patricia Black is a Life & Sensuality coach. She works with women who are creative rebels, outside-the-box thinkers who want to feel inspired, in flow, and able to create through their feminine energy. They’re tired of struggling with overwhelm and the exhaustion that comes from pushing to try to follow their dreams.

Patricia is trained in various Life Coaching Modalities, with a strong emphasis on embodied approaches. She is a graduate of Mama Gena’s School of Womanly Arts. She is a certified Orgasmic Meditation teacher. She has apprenticed with Om Rupani in sacred BDSM. Patricia is also a Shiatsu Bodywork practitioner and a certified Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach. Her desire is a world where people love their bodies, are free from shame around their sexuality, and are able to access their full potential for ecstasy and joy.


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